Teaching Philosophy
We Are Different...
My philosophy of teaching starts with understanding and acknowledging that every student is unique, and has the ability to learn. I will respect cultural differences, and understand that each student brings something different to the classroom. I will create a learner centered classroom where I actively acquire into students thinking. I will use a metacognitive approach to foster the ability for students to reach their full potential both in and out of the classroom.
Build on Prior Knowledge...
My philosophy is to draw on students pre-existing understandings to help create meaningful content, and assessments, before, during and after content is taught. I will pay attention to the knowledge and beliefs my students bring to a task and use it as a starting point for instruction.
Let's Reach Your Full Potential...
My philosophy includes knowing the subject matter in depth, so I can provide my students with the best opportunity to learn and ask questions that will receive answers. I will design my classroom with the learner in mind. My classroom will be knowledge centered and will encourage the use of tools that assist in active learning that include collaboration but also take control of their own learning.