Life Long Learner: Future Goals
A Look Into The Future
I started this journey in technology education because I noticed the shift in education with the integration of technology. I observed that technology use in the classroom is being encouraged, and in many cases, forced to be used by educators in every area. The shift in 21st century learning is a challenge for some. There are educators that want nothing to do with the “change,” and many just don’t understand the purpose. During my master’s program at Michigan State University, I got the opportunity to interview educators in all different journeys of their teaching career. Many educators who’ve been teaching for a while, find that there is a lack of training offered in technology. One of my goals is to educate my colleagues on beneficial ways to integrate technology in their classrooms. Another goal is to become a certified trainer through google education. Lastly, I would like to enroll in the EdTech Team Online and become certified in Teacher Leadership.
Goal 1: Lead Technology Professional Development
Over the last 10 years of my teaching experience, education has undergone many changes. Technology plays a major role in education, and many educators are finding it difficult to properly implement it. School districts continue to integrate different forms of technology, but are not giving educators the support, they need. I think back to my last semester of undergrad at Michigan State University, where I took a class on blogging. The purpose in the class was to introduce different forms of technology that could potentially be useful in the classroom. My instructor walked us through the process class by class, and after about eight weeks we had our own blogs. This is how I envision technology training in schools. Many educators need to be walked through certain things and they would feel more comfortable implementing and adapting to change. I see the benefits of technology if implemented “right,” however I also see the frustrations it can cause if you aren’t familiar with it. I would like to host trainings and professional developments in my school district that give educators the opportunity to learn how to use new technologies. The overall goal would be for educators to come together and share and learn from each other as well as myself. I understand that amount of work educators are responsible for, and I also understand the lack of time they may have for extra trainings. One of my goals is to create online video tutorials that teachers can view at their leisure. So for example if an educator would like learn about using a specific application or form or technology, they could watch a video tutorial created by me or someone I designated. PBS Teacherline is an example of how online tech tutorials can be set up. Click here to view more on online technology professional developments.
Goal 2: Google Certified Trainer
My love for educating and assisting my colleagues with technology has steered me to become a certified Google Leader. Enrolling in this program would give me the opportunity to help others implement technology in their classrooms. It also gives me the option to become an instructional technology coach or specialist or and ICT Director/Coordinator. Technology is constantly changing and if I plan to host professional developments, educate my colleagues on new technologies and assist with integration, it’s important I stay abreast on what’s new as well as new ways of implementing technology. Click here to view how to become a google certified trainer.
Goal 3: EdTech Team (Teacher Leader)
The Teacher Leader program is a twelve-week online teacher cohort that allows for teachers to become trained on ways to keep their classrooms thriving. This cohort embraces new technology and trains teachers how to successfully implement new forms of technology in their classrooms. The cohort includes global collaboration and community, project-based learning, flipped learning, visual literacy, assessment and redesigning the learning space. Many of the courses in this cohort align with the courses that I took at Michigan State University for my graduate program. Although many of the courses appear to have the same objective, it is imperative that I stay abreast of changes that constantly occur with updated research. Click here to learn more about EdTech cohorts.
All my goals are goals that will enhance my skills as a technology leader. I look forward to continuing my education in technology leadership. The EdTech Leader Cohort and the Google Leader training will help enhance my skills as a technology leader as well as keep me informed on new technology. All my goals are easily accessible because the courses are offered online. The technology needed to record online video tutorials is something I already own and will just volunteers to offer their time recording as well.